Join us at one of the upcoming events!
Take a look at the Upcoming Events:
Join us June 27th & 28th
Educate & Rejuvenate Conference
Join us at Educate & Rejuvenate to finally kick teacher burnout to the curb!
Real talk… being an educator is beyond a full-time job…between lesson planning, grading, meetings, bridging educational gaps, and actually teaching.
Register for Educate & RejuvenateTeacher. Podcaster. Teacher Burnout & Sustainability Strategist.
Hey, I'm Brittany!
I help and empower burned out teachers to prioritize their mental health with sustainable strategies, systems, and automations to avoid burnout and reignite their passion all in a way that is authentic and realistic.
Learn more
Free download
Start Simplifying with Teacher E-mail Templates
This guide will provide you with strategies for your simplifying your teacher workload and for use in your classroom. You will learn to:
- Use templates in your e-mail server
- Use swipe-copy templates to reduce the amount of time you spend writing and responding to e-mails

Free Quiz
Get Your FREE Personalized Roadmap to Burnout Recovery
Take this short, fun, and informative quiz to discover what you need to sustain your teaching career and begin burnout recovery. This quiz will help you understand what support systems you need, how to prioritize your mental health to live a fulfilling and energized life as a teacher, and what drives your self-care.
I'm ready to crush teacher burnoutFree Download
Parent Communication Documentation Form
Start simplifying how you document parent contact all in one easy to access location!

Ready to get back 10-20 hours of workweek without sacrificing your effectiveness?
Begin automating your classroom with the only course for overwhelmed teachers who want to simplify and systemize their workload!
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